March 2 - Wednesday

I get a kick out of the public's fascination with Charlie Sheen and his mental state.  Somebody so obviously delusional seems to capture everyone's attention.  Once we are tired of his act, who is the next insane moron we will obsess upon?  We seem to have tired of Lindsay Lohan - Charlie set the bar pretty high, so God only knows what her next act will be.  And you can pretty much count on some staged antic that gets a lot of press.
I firmly believe all of this nonsense is orchestrated so we don't focus on just how bad things are in the economy, in the world, etc.  If we are eagerly awaiting the next really outrageous quote from Charlie Sheen, we might forget that gas prices are rising way beyond what they should be based on the limited conflict, or that the US dollar is next to worthless, or that the Illinois (the most poorly run state in the county) has solved none of our budget problems. 
But, lets all turn on the tv and laugh when Charlie Sheen says he has tigers blood.  seeing his sorry ass acting like a fool makes us all feel better about ourselves, doesn't it?


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