Friday, March 4

The press jumped all over Mayor Daley's speech yesterday where he said America had become a bunch of whiners, and had to learn how to deal with foreign influence on our economy.  I guess we have become whiners, but of course, we didn't have a skyway to sell to foreign investors that would quadruple the price to those using that road.  and we didn't have parking meters to sell to foreign investors, and sell at a price about a fifth of what it should have been, and to agree to a schedule of price escalations that would make parking unaffordable.  and we didn't have the money from those sales that was supposed to last decades, but to spend it in just a few years.  and we are not retiring on a $300k pension, and getting $50k per speech.  but if we had all of those things that the buffoon Daley had, we would not have to whine.  he is such a wise idiot. 
History will show that Daley led the city into a death spiral.  Chicago will be the next Detroit. Daley has left a mess that no one can clean up. 
I guess that is enough whining for today.  I have to schedule  a speech for myself because I need the $50k.

Update - I had to edit my original post to add this link to a Daily Herald story about the pension mess.  Read and enjoy.  and tell me I'm wrong about my obsession with this issue.


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