Wednesday, Feb. 9

Bitter cold, and a few more days of it.  supposed to warm up some by the weekend.  let's hope so. 
Funny how when you get an idea in your head, you instinctively see all the related stories as they hit the media.  I saw an article today that the Illinois speaker is open to reducing the current pension  the one big drag (of many) on the state budget (the worst run state in the country), and he is open to reducing the about actually reducing the payouts.  that takes more guts than being open to the concept.  Illinois is a state that is not paying its bills...but has enough money for the big hogs to eat.  there is no more likely outcome than for the state to declare bankruptcy, then to reorganize its debts, like GM did.  You'll see.  and Illinois won't be the only state to do it.
the other thing that caught my eye was the mayoral candidates comments on selling naming rights to Soldier Field.  the money from the parking meters is gone, and the citizens of Chicago are taxed up to their ears...the group of crooks that run the city will sell the naming rights in a second.  Once that is gone, the casinos will go up... then legalizing sports betting, then drugs, then who knows what.  At every level, we are at an unsustainable cash flow model.  no one is presenting a solution, just small measures that won't jeopardize their spot at the front of the feed trough with the other big hogs. 
that's how it always has been. and how it will always be.


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