Wednesday, Feb. 2

What a crazy 2 days.  with the onset of the blizzard, we tried to get our shipments out, only to be thwarted by the FAA shutting down O'Hare.  But, it was really encouraging to see a department made up of a broad cross section of demographics really go all out.  They left work in the middle of the worst blizzard in 30 yrs, and were among the few people to come back to work today to answer the call.  It is nice to be proud of the department you manage.  I suppose, to pat myself on the back, they respond in the manner they have seen me respond.  I have a great manager I work closeley with, and from a team standpoint, we all feel like there is nothing we can't accomplish. 
Having worked in many different environments has provided me the opportunity to refine my management skills and my approach.  I guess once you have made enough mistakes, you sometimes make the right call the first time....or perhaps, like a broken clock, I am right twice a day.

anyway, too tired to write much...I will have to creatively think so I am ready for tomorrow.

and, this winter is too much.


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