Tuesday, Feb. 22

Busy, busy.
I saw an article a few weeks ago that gas would be $4/gallon by Easter, and higher this spring.  Well, the unrest in Libya, where we get .7 of 1% of our oil, has caused gas to go up 8.5% today.  One day.  Another case of the commodity markets being rigged.  And those responsbile for rigging the markets will enrich themselves with no chance of recrimination whatsoever.  Here's a link to an article about the financial market you will probably find infuriating


It is just amazing that fraud like this goes on unpunished.  it is actually rewarded.

oh - Illinois (the most poorly run state in the country) today cut all funding for drug and alcohol rehabilitation.  But no action yet on the $78 billion pension problem. 
On the news today there was someone taking about the Chicago mayoral election.  He quoted Daley as saying that in order to address the pension problem that Chicago has (outside of the Illinois pension problem) that property taxes would have to be doubled....that's right - doubled.  Sure - as if $10 grand a year is not enough to pay for homeowners tax.  this from a mayor, who, when questioned about the nickle per bottle tax on water said "we don't know what people are doing while they drink that water"???????  wtf.

and this from an elected official.  so, let today's election commence and the next clown take office.


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