Tuesday, Feb. 15

It was announced yesterday that Gov. Quinn, the governor of the most poorly run state in the country, was ending free rides for senior citizens....a move that will save Illinois, the most poorly run state in the country, $38 million....what's that you say???? the pension issue if somthing like $12 billion????  well, you would be right....$3500 of pension debt for each citizen of Illinois, the most poorly run state in the country.  It would be a good thing to face up to the pension issue, and pronto...but at least we were able to stop the free transit rides for seniors...I feel better knowing that....hey wait...had anyone even asked for the Gov to end those rides....not that I heard....

there was a song by Ten Years After in the late 60s called "I'd Love to Change the World"...the lyric was:

I'd love to change the world
but I don't know what to do
so I'll leave it up to you

we have left the changes up to a bunch of self serving crooks. 


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