Sunday, Feb. 13

One week to go for Daytona....
Last March, I was flying to Phoenix, and watching "The Blind Side" on the plane.  I had the earphones the airline provides, and noticed that every time I looked away from the overhead screen to the magazine I was reading, I could no longer hear what they were saying in the movie...then I realized how much I was relying on reading lips to hear.  Selling t-shirts at about 1000 concerts in my younger days probably contributed to hearing loss, as well as many years of listening to loud music of my own choosing....This morning, I was up early, catching up on the internet reporting of last nights MMA fights, and the dog wanted to be let out.  So, I let him out and chose to stand by the sliding door to wait for him to run back up the stairs and wait to be let in...the reason I chose to stand there was that my back hurts so much getting in and out of chairs, that it was easier to just stand there a few minutes....
The accomodations we make to aging are more apparent all the time.  but, I guess it sure beats the alternative. 


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