Saturday, Feb. 5

I have been busy today - a few stops at stores, 2 of my son's basketball games and some outside work (mainly walking in the driveway).  Time to catch my breath now.  watching golf from Scottsdale, AZ.  they had frost delays each of the 3 days of the tourney so far.  so, I guess no one is immune to this crappy winter weather.  took the dog for a walk, and it is pretty treacherous - the sidewalk all the way to the end of the block has been shoveled, but is really slippery.
I was looking at - what passes for news is that Miley Cyrus has gotten her 5th tattoo, Lindsey Lohan has some kind of a beef about a stolen necklace, and Kim Kardashian is doing stupid things that a no talent hack would be doing.  Look at the crap that the media spoon feeds to us as news.  I guess if the media reported on how bad things actually were, we'd have anarchy.  I saw a program last weekend about the 4 major threats to America...debt, nuclear bomb, water and over-mechanization.  One of the points made was that the human mind would reject info that it found too threatening...that if presented with some dire facts, the human mind would not be able to assimilate the info.  I believe that to be true.  so instead of dealing with our crushing debt issue, or the fact that many cities will be recycling sewage (poop) into drinking water,  we are supposed to care that Charley Sheen has spent 600 grand on cocaine and sleezy women....and tomorrow, we will all sit our couches all day drinking and eating too much...watching a 5 hr pregame show, then the super bowl.

you know, as I type this, that seems like a pretty ok way to waste a day.  someone get me a beer, will ya?


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