Monday, Feb 7, 2011

The super bowl was pretty entertaining.  the game has morphed into something that involves football, but is polluted by so much commercialism.
The opening segment with the reading of the Declaration of Independance was well done, but made me think of some issues in light of the current situation in America:
- the principles this country was built upon have led to its demise; our open door policy has led to unchecked immigration and unsustainable entitlement programs
- Our willingness to take the rest of the worlds huddled masses has led to Castro emptying his jails and mental institutions under Carter's watch and sending all those wonderful folks to Miami.  Our unwillingness in 2001 to insult a non- American led to someone on the no-fly list being allowed on a plane which was flown into the World Trade Towers.  Just 2 of a few thousand examples of our misplaced largesse andhow is has impacted our country.  Think of it this way: We spend billions enforcing laws on Americans, but perish the thought of doing the same on non-Americans.
- We seem to have fighter jets available to fly over football stadiums, but apparently they are not available to protect our largest cities from hijacked planes being flown into commercial buildings. 

Again, we seem to be deluded by what the media puts in front of us.  With so many millions watching the game, who knows how many overt and subliminal messages we were subjected to yesterday.

so, that is my take on it all...probably overly negative and unfocused.

oh, and I loved the Bud Light commercial with the dogs.  They should have run that in the first half.


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