Monday, Feb. 21

Dreary, gray day.  supposed to snow today too.  enough already.
I got a kick out of the comments from the senators talking about a shutdown of the government.  and that spending on programs such as social security would have to be looked, we are not given the same consideration as pensioneers - the state constitution protects their pension.  the state constitution guarantees that they should be able to collect many times the amount they contributed....the Illinois (the most poorly run state in the country) constitution allows for them to collect multiple pensions, and to be fraudulently given raises and bonuses in their last years of employment that will artificially inflate the amount they are scamming us all out of. 
But, social security can be messed with. 
makes no sense to me.  and it will continue to bother me as long at my tax bills are as unaffordable as they currently are.
but, please step away while the big hogs come to eat at the trough (again).  it is our fault they are addicted to unreasonable, unsustainable pension payouts.  so, we must all sacrifice to feed their addiction.  remember - it is out fault.  now step away and let those hogs eat.


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