Friday, Feb. 25

this month is really flying by. 
I worked in the Loop for 17 years - from 1985 to 2002.  I that time, I worked all over - from the south loop to river north, and from the lake to wacker.  in those years, I knew the loop like the back of my hand.   every restaurant, every building being built - all of it.  I have been downtown a few times over the years since.  I drove there yesterday for a meeting and had some time to walk around before my presentation.  so much has changed.  new buildings everywhere, new stores in those buildings....I used to feel like I belonged there, but no more.  Now, I don't miss working down there at all - 90 minutes each way on the best of days, all the hustle and bustle, being a slave to a train schedule.  But, life goes on....
so, a person at the meeting brought a 12 pack of corona for me and for a manager on my team. this was to thank us for helping out on various projects.  so, I had a box of corona in each hand, and had to walk a few blocks back to the parking garage where my car was.  I got comments from 3 different women that passed me "I am going with this guy", or "can I come with you?", if carrying 2-12 packs of the right beer would make a lady comment to a stranger, I guess there is a lesson there - like you can put earrings on a pig, and that makes the pig more attractive that one with no earrings....actually, it is nice that some people would take the time to make a comment that would lighten your day...and make me forget that the 2 12ers were cutting into my hand after the 5 block walk.

so, happy friday - have a good weekend.  supposed to snow again.


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