Feb 1 - a bummer all around

Bracing for a blizzard.  Already snowing, and a lot more supposed to be on the way.  I got the jeep out of the garage and am ready.

last night, there was a knock at the door at 9 pm.  My next door neighbor, 42 yrs old, having severe chest pains.  my wife called 911 and they came in a matter of minutes....Turns out, he had a heart attack.  42, in good shape, always active....but, his job had just been moved out of state - after getting notice 3 months ago, this was his first week off...and I would imagine the stress of that event was a major contributing factor to the heart attack....I am just sick about that today.  A guy I have spoken with for the last 15 years was now in my house with severe chest pains and no feeling in his arm.  My wife stayed with his kids until 3 am when his wife got home from the hospital...I imagine they were terrified, so it was nice of the wife to stay until their mom was home.

when I started writing this blog in 2008, I knew I was running headfirst into an event like that.  I was able to channel some of that frustration into writing a daily entry and in doing so, perhaps reduced the stress enough so that I didn't blow a gasket or have a coronary....he didn't have that outlet....the stuff I now write about is pretty much silly, self-indulgent trivial stuff.....I never want to see another friend being struck down by the pressures they endure because of events out of their control.

folks, enjoy every day.  even blizzard days like this one.


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