Thurs - Dec. 9

Not even officially winter yet - but sure is winter weather. too cold and snowy for the beginning of December - and we won't see nice weather until March at the earliest. I haven't done any outside winter activities in years (decades) and so the time from January to Spring feels longer every year.
As it is, gearing up for Christmas, and for the busy activity at work in January. In the payroll industry, January is when all the w2s have to be produced and shipped, in addition to all normal business. so, it will be a busy month ahead. My fishing buddies and I go to the All Canada show in mid January and book our summer trip. That gives us something to look forward to. And hopefully an early spring so we can start golfing again.
I read a good book on the finanacial meltdown "Griftopia" by Matt Taibbi. It is both informative and infuriating - much of the present mess was caused by the greed of the financial industry. and they all benefitted from the meltdown and subsequent bailouts. and folks like me are making half of what they did pre-meltdown. someday when it is all sorted out, hopefully the guilty will be accountable. but don't hold your breath.


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