Monday, December 20

Christmas week. Of course, I have done nothing to prepare. so, I better go out and get a few gifts. Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year, and it will be 6 to 8 weeks before we notice any increase in daylight. the weather has really been bad so far - winter came a month early, and hopefully it ends a month early too.
I remember so distinctly 2 yrs ago this very week. the frustration of sending resumes that you know will won't even be read. but that was then. have to keep looking forward and put the past in the past. I still read the articles I see on the unemployed and their plight. Anyone who has been through it probably does. As a friend once told me it is the scar that does not heal.
so anyway - onward. much to do, and next month will be much busier. and we are crazy busy now. so, that is a good thing.


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