Monday, Dec. 27.

A day off.  Back to work tomorrow.  It is garbage day, and there really aren't the big piles of garbage that you'd expect to see after Christmas.  Maybe everybody is dialing back a bit.  We had a nice holiday, and everybody seemed to get what they wanted.  I will run around a bit today and take it easy.  Playing basketball tonight for the first time since October when I tore my hamstring.  We'll see how that goes.  I don't think I have broken a sweat since that night.  Hopefully my body will hold up for the next 8 weeks that we have the gym. 
More snow yesterday.  Not even January yet and we have been dumped on 4 or 5 times.  Looks like the east coast got it worse.  I made a roast on the grill last night - I haven't bbq'd in a long time - but everything is better cooked on the grill.  Now I have to go buy a new grill cover since mine was destroyed when I took it off.  Frozen plastic does not bend too well.
Saw an article today that 84% of workers hope to swithch jobs in the new year.  I suppose that is normal - but are there jobs for them to go to?  Hopefully 2011 will see an improvement in the job market. It has been dreadful since before I started this blog in 2008.   And I am sitting at the same chair by the window that I stared out for countless hours during my job search.  I remember seeing fall turn into winter and into spring during my time off.  I have read of the 99ers - folks that have been off for over 99 weeks.  How frustrated they must be.  Begging to get your resume read...knowing you are the person for the job...if only someone would call.....  I remember it well.  so, if you are in that situation, remember - things will change.  as remote as it seems, they will change.  change for the better. 

so, one last week left in 2010. 


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