Merry Christmas

Christmas Day.  Had a nice time last night at my brother's.  Came home and opened presents and got some nice things.  No golf balls though.  I only have 4 months to get my own, I guess.  More snow last night - this winter seems long already. 
I already read the paper this morning - not much in the news.  As I have written before, the days of the job search were marked with being online at 6 am, fruitlessly sending out resumes.  I couldn't wait for the holidays to be over to get back to a less depressing time to conduct the job search.  So, for those of you in that boat, remember, the normal, frustrating days are just ahead of us. 
As for me, I am looking forward to the start of the new year to turn the page on the old, and seek the new.  Whatever that may be.

Merry Christmas


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