Dec 30 - New Years Eve Eve

Very busy at work this week.  In the payroll business, you will always have the same amount of work to do, it will just be on a condensed schedule.  Tomorrow is the national holiday, but I am working.   but, in my position as a Director, I don't have to work tomorrow - I want to go.  If for no other reason than to buy the team lunch, let them know I appreciate what they do.  I am fortunate to have a very high functioning team, and I let them know that when it is appropriate.  It is very frustrating that I commend them for doing 13990 packages correct in a month, while others may only focus on the 10 that they didn't do correctly.  but, good enough is never good enough I guess.  at any rate, we have some higher temperatures, rain in the forecast, so the winter is taking a break.

I was looking at the stats that the site keeps on the blog.  Are there really folks from around the world that read these posts?  if so, please post a comment - I would be interested to know if the stats kept are correct.  and also to know if someone is actually reading these posts.  who knows - I really do enjoy writing every few days.  if only to write.  one of these days I hope to do something with my love of writing.  I have jotted so many plot lines down for my first novel.....and have yet to complete page 1.  maybe this year......

anyway - one more day left in 2010.  what will 2011 bring?  what will we do differently?  what is the one thing that we want to accomplish that we will stick with until completion?  For me:
- lose 30 lbs
- read a book a month
- start the web site I keep talking about
- and a few more things

I will update more tomorrow.


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