Dec 24 - Christmas Eve

A day off, and Christmas Eve. Nice day to do nothing, since either you are prepared for the holiday or you're not. I am not much of a Christmas person. As long as my family has everything they want, and their health, that is fine by me. I never ask for anything since I do my fishing trip in the summer. Maybe some golf balls would be nice.....
Really crazy week at work. I ship all over the country, and weather issues played havoc with my shipments this week. Spent way too much time putting out fires. But to revisit the topic that started this blog, I would rather work 60 hrs a week than to not have anything to do. Sometimes when I am at the computer that I did all my job searching at, I get flashbacks from the days of sitting there from before sunrise to after sunset. I wonder how many hours I spent there....I am sure those in the market can tell me.
I took my son out to lunch yesterday and we talked about how two years ago at this time I helped him with a science project. We had a lot of fun (building bridges that we tested) and it is one positive memory of my time off. Not that I don't have other positive memories, but the memories of the frustrations do outweigh them.
To that end, what have I done to change things? nothing....I told myself I would better prepare once I landed. so, on my list of things I will do in 2011 (in addition to losing weight, exercising more, reading more, being less of a jerk, etc) will be to do something to establish less of a reliance/dependance on working for someone else. Think about it - we all have made fortunes for someone else (and if we weren't, we would be out of a job) - why not do that for ourselves. Franchising, web business, friend started his own company yesterday - he just did it. Just do where have I heard that before??? anyway, I have a week to thing about what I am just going to do....stay soon as I think of something, I will let you know.

Merry Christmas Eve everyone.


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