Sunday, Apr. 18

Vacation is a distant memory - life sure goes on. The news stories of the state of the economy are a bit less troublesome when you have a job. But, you really can't ignore the fact that things aren't getting better. I still know of a lot of folks looking for work. At work, we have advertised for a part time position, and the resumes we get are from very experienced, credentialed professionals. I look back and ask "what if I had not gotten this job - would I still be looking?". It is a moot point, but still, I wonder...
Spring has sprung finally. I played golf last weekend. I bought new clubs a few weeks back, which would have been unheard of if I was not working.....just paying the greens fees is expensive on any course. While shopping for clubs, it was pretty clear that golf sales must be hurting - not many people buying, and pretty much every set is on sale. At a fishing show in January, we were talking to an outfitter who said that last summer, he had a lot of bookings that just didn't show up for their booked trip. Just forfeited the many of the discretionary/luxury spend has dried up. Some industries will take a long time to gain back any ground.
I was amused at the govt case against Goldman Sachs. When I worked for PwC, my practice was essentially closed because of the govt mandate that closed Andersen, and forced changes on the remaining big 4. Why should this situaiton be any different....oh yea, it is becasue of all the Goldman Sachs alumni in high places......
anyway, have a good week all.


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