Saturday, October 3

Been a few weeks since I last posted. in that time, my computer broke, so I need to buy a new one. keeping busy working, and doing all the things that working doesn't allow time to do. Thinking back to a year ago, I believe the 4 week mark of unemployment was when I started crawling the walls. Now I don't feel like an outsider when I go to my son's football games, or go to a store during the day. I still have friends that have been off for a long time. They seem to be bearing up well, but it sucks nonetheless. Just got done watching the hockey game. The seasons do fly by. as I wrote before, I watched 3 seasons pass by while job searching - sitting that the computer by the window. seems like such a waste of 6 months, but what can one do?

I see some of the folks on LinkedIn that I met during their and my time off. The world just keeps going on - people get jobs, leave jobs, live their lives. But I guess that is life, right? **
have a good day, all


  1. Well Dave, I haven't posted on a blog in quite some time now. Great to see that you have quite a bit going on and have found employment. I am now in the two week mark of one of those who entered the unemployment zone. You know, I haven't brought myself to watch a lot of sports though. Although, I have caught a few innings of baseball and found myself watching a few tennis matches. My oldest son now plays tennis, thus the new interest. I am now co-leading a Cubscout den (my youngest son is in this one) along with twelve other scouts...whew! what a hand full. My oldest is a Webelo and next year will be branching over to the boyscouts...Wow! They grow up fast. You spoke of LinkedIn and I was scrolling through the list and come across your blog. Great idea! Excellent way to stay in touch with your friends. I will talk to you again soon....Scott


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