Wednesday, May 20

Finally the weather is feeling like spring. Sunny, warm - this is the weather that makes living in Chicago tolerable.
I am going to a vendor presentation today. this down economy has affected everyone - I get the same sense of over anxiousness from sales reps as I myself was projecting when I was interviewing. I am sure it is very tough for anyone selling capitial equipment these days, as companies are not investing in anything beyond their current payroll. Imagine how tough it is for the companies that sell cars, boats, RVs and other luxury items. I shudder to think........the economy is still deep in the crapper, and will be for a long time.

Whenever I am working a job, I always dream of taking up some kind of side career that will blossom into some fantastically lucrative full time career. Then I realize that I am too lazy and too complacent to venture outside the confines of my traditional job to start a backup plan. We discover that we are good at something that someone will pay us to do, but always have a dream of getting paid to do something we like to do. There is no shortage of potential opportunities out there, just nothing that has piqued my interest enough to take the plunge. If only someone would pay me to eat, fish, golf or watch NASCAR on tv.


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