Wednesday May 13

Another rainy day. I guess we can't expect more than one nice day in a row.

The business pages these days seem to have lost the focus on the unemployment situation, although I suspect the problem is as bad, or worse than ever. I see a lot of stories about average salaries coming down and I imagine that will be the trend. And some exec will be rewarded with a huge bonus for reducing costs - again, on the back of the rank and file. The story about the AIG bonuses being 3 times what was originally reported made barely a ripple. Where does it end? We are struggling to get by and the govt can't give away our hard earned money (or that of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren) fast enough.

I got a note from someone who had landed a very nice job after a frustrating search. (congrats Aleta) It is encouraging to hear that there are some good jobs out there. The competition is fierce, but there is a spot for each of us. You just have to keep telling yourself that. In my case, I definitely traded up - the money an level weren't quite what I was at, but a good job at a good company that is 2 miles from home is more than I have had in a long time. I have earned more, but then again, now I know the price of my dignity. A big paycheck is tainted if it is earned in a lousy environment. You gotta work, but nothing says you must work in an organization that has no soul or principle.

so, the season finale of Lost is on. then we have to wait until February to start the final season.

have a good day, all.


  1. btw - I finally started watching Lost. Only been through the first 4 episodes, but I like it... What's better is that Saira likes it too


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