Thursday Morning - another rainy day

I ran into a neighbor while walking the dog last night. She asked if I had found a job yet, and my reply was that I had found one 2 months ago. It occured to me how quickly that time passed. Just as the almost 6 months of unemployment did. While I was going through it, each day seemed to pass excrutiatingly slowly, but looking back at it, the time since September flew by. When I stop and reflect on it all, it is such a crazy journey. For that time, the job search is all that there is. Looking for a job, looking for things to apply for, checking email and job matter what you try to do, that one thing seems to dominate your day. It would be so nice if you knew when the end of the search would be once you started, but it isn't that easy, is it?
Anyway, I am at the point when I can look back at that time and not cringe too much anymore. but I certainly don't long to do that again.

have a good day - one of these days the rain will stay away.


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