Sunday, May 10

I was cleaning out my wallet, and came across the debit card from unemployment. During the time off, that piece of plastic was so representative of the situation. Every 2 weeks, a sum of money not nearly enough to sustain a family of 3 was deposited. Every 10 days, I would be checking the balance on line, and taking care to only buy what I absolutely needed - one day work of food, 10 bucks in gas, whatever I absolutely needed. The card was like an admission ticket to Wal Mart - it gave me something to do, and a means to go and buy an item and kill 15 minutes of a long day. That little piece of plastic.......
Makes you realize the only thing between being relatively comfortable and in financial distress is the day to day security of having a job. Each day you work is one more day you have held your own with the bills and the finanacial drain. Having been off 6 months has set us back, but I know we arent the only ones. To paraphrase an old joke, "I was off for 6 months and burned through my savings, but I made up for it by having my 401k lose 50% of its value". You have to laugh or else you'd cry, right?


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