Sunday - Last day of May

A beautiful day outside. The knowledge that there is weather like this makes the never ending winter almost tolerable - this is the light at the end of the tunnel. But we have the rest of spring, summer and fall before we have to deal with that winter mess again.
June will mark the 3rd month I have been at my new job. Things are going well - I am working on projects that are right up my alley, and I am enjoying the challenges. I try to keep in touch with the colleagues that are still out of work. I don't always hear back from them - I guess in some ways, I am now "one of them" - the people that still have jobs. In my own case, I think the search, or the mindset that I was searching, caused me to put up a barrier between me and my working friends. I unnecessarily carried a sense of inadequacy because of my unemployed status. I shudder to think of my mindset if I was still idle. Anyway, the fact that I have that many unemployed friends is concerning. Things are still slow. But the president has time and money to fly to New York and back for a date. That's some fiscal responsibility, huh?

so, at this point, it's time to go back outside and pull a weed or 2. anything to be outside.


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