Monday, May 18.

A very busy weekend. I played in a golf outing from work on Saturday, and we drove to Champaign and back yesterday for graduation. They had a beautiful ceremony - all the excitement and happy faces - family pictures, lots of proud parents (myself included). Now for the reality. Will these energetic young graduates find jobs? Will they be saddled with debt from their student loans while they work at a job formally done by someone without a degree. I graduated college in May, 1980, and it took me until October to find my first job. I would imagine the expected time it takes to find a suitable job is even longer these days. And what would be considered a suitable job anyway? I hate to be the wet blanket here, but I couldn't help but temper my own happiness and excitement of the day by what awaits once we leave the comfort zone of Champaign/Urbana. I guess the cruel world awaits - as we all know and have experienced firsthand.

At any rate, it's Monday. time to get busy. More thoughts later.


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