Tuesday - March 3.

A cold but sunny morning. I played hoops last night with my usual group, and shared my status. Some of them ask, some share the situation at their work, some seem to be doing quite well in this down time. I have been in a pretty good frame of mind lately. I think back to October when the depression really hit. That is such a dark, oppressive feeling. I realized then that I could not leave that situation untended. I spoke to a professional a few times and it really helped, but also it took time. I recall the holidays being difficult (just read the postings from that period to see), and here we are in March. With the spring comes hope. I have noticed my mood is better when I open all the blinds to let in the sunlight. A bright house is full of positive energy.
I have just made out my list of to-dos, and that will keep me out of the house for most of the morning. My wife was kind enough to transfer her health club membership over to me, and I make an effort to get there each day, if only to stretch and hit the steam room. I am a bit sore from hoops last night, and that is a good feeling.
My son's regular basketball season wraps up this weekend, then playoffs start. His games made the winter pass by quite tolerably. Baseball will be starting soon, and we will be picking up his football equipment before we know it. There is life outside of joblessness. It is up to up to enjoy those elements that are there for us to enjoy.
I spoke to a former coworker at my last job yesterday. Things there have really gotten bad. Now, it sucks going from a very nice salary to no salary, but an environment like that sucks the life out of a person.
Oh - here's a tip. I originally filed for unemployment on line back in September. I made a mistake on declaring my dependants, and in doing so, my benefit was $150 per week less than it should have been. That was corrected when I went in the Unemployment office last week to reopen my claim. But, make sure you are getting what you are entitled to.
Have a good day, all. Godspeed.


  1. You're right about the magic of the "To Do's" Dave. It seems that a To Do list can change the world - or at least how we approach each day. There's something magical about scratching off another accomplishment.
    Take care,


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