Tuesday - I saw a good article


The attached link is to an article that was good. Specifically, what not to do in an interview, and the follow up. I know there were interviews I had that I just wasn't mentally up for, and the interviewer probably picked up on that. Now, the job would have been nothing to jump for joy about, but there is no need to give off a negative vibe. so, as the article says, show excitement, do your research prior, sell yourself and what you will do WHEN you start the job you are interviewing for.

I had an interview that I thought went well, but I did not hear back. I inquired about the status and was told it was in limbo. so, I created a powerpoint presentation that matched my skill set to what I knew they were looking for (based on the interviews I had with them) and it resulted in a contract position for 5 weeks. It was nice to have had that work, and I am sure I would not have gotten the project if I hadn't taken the time to create the presentation and go the extra mile. In this situation, the President of the company was receptive to it - and of course, I had the time on my hands to do it.

Check out the article - you may be comfortable employing some of the tactics discussed, some maybe not. the key is to try those tactics you know you will do well. If you are a right handed batter, don't try to learn to be a switch hitter in a live game.


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