Tuesday - Getting in a routine

I am now starting to get into the work routine. the process of waking up, getting ready, reading the paper, packing up and out the door is comforting structure.

As I was coming to this morning, I was having a dream. In it, I knew I had a job, I just couldn't remember where it was, and was getting frantic because I didn't want to screw up the job that I had just started by not showing up. well, I made it here ok.

Last week, when I told my mom I had landed a new job, she was profuse in her good thoughts: "I was praying for you, and knew you would find something". When I told my next door neighbor, I got the same response. I ran into a different neighbor the other night while walking the dog, and he asked (in measured tones) how my job search was going. When I told him I had a new job, his face lightened up, he smiled and said how happy he was for me.

The point of my story here is that your friends and relatives do know how seriously this is, and how critical it is to you. they are just apprehensive about sharing their opinion on your situation with you. I could see in the faces of those I told how relieved they were for me. Just as I saw in the faces of those I told that I had been laid off back in September how dire they thought the situation was. I am sure you have seen the same response from those you have told.

so, I hope veery soon you all see that relief in the faces of those with whom you share your good news when you get it. But, like the 800 lb gorilla in the room, don't be afraid to talk about it since everyone knows it is a lousy situation.

good luck to all, and keep at it.


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