Thursday, March 19

I got an email today from a professional that read the blog and shared that my emotions and feelings very closely mirror their own. The more downsized people I talk to, that becomes all the more apparent. When you interact in person with a fellow unemployed person, it is immediately clear that you share some kind of bond. I never felt too good about attending networking events - too many people sharing the same downer experience, but in small settings, I found the interaction with other unemployed to be really comforting. Because you were talking with someone that knows how it feels. and for that time, you could set aside your frustration and desparation and act normal for awhile.

This is day 4 of my new job. It is so nice to be mentally engaged all day. To have things to do. To not get caught up in the pc trap (twice during my unemployment I was dealt 10 hearts, and 3 times I shot 4 hands in a row). To not check Perezhilton every hour to see what was happening. Oh, I know how it is.

Some folks I respect very much always shared with me that this was only temporary. That I would find a job. That my fears were unfounded. But being in the tunnel affords no view of the end whatsoever.

But, let me now play the part of the trusted colleague: you WILL find a job. You WILL make it through this challenging time. You WILL be a better person for having gone through it. You WILL bring newfound energy to your next job.

As I posted yesterday, the scar from this time will not heal anytime soon. I guess I have to work as hard as I can and make myself indispensible. and if I get downsized again, I will know what to do next time.

Best of luck to you all, and happy 26th wedding anniversary to my wife (and I). the sun does shine once the storm blows over.


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