Thursday. Looking forward to Friday

It doesn't take long before your system re-adjusts to the work week, and you begin intuitively looking forward to the weekend. Making plans on Wednesday for the weekend. There is so much capacity in the mind to juggle work and home activities, and when the work element goes away, the mind looks for things to obsess about. To stew about. To irrationally worry about. That was my case, anyway. Now that I have productive work to apply myself to, my mindset is so vastly different than it was just a month ago.

I saw the news yesterday that IBM is laying off 5000 US workers. I worked for IBM in the 80s, and their mantra was "We have never had a layoff". Of couse, that was lifetimes ago, and everything is so different. So, the economy continues to seek bottom. It sucks. Every industry is affected.

Anyway, enough of what you knew already. Good luck to all.


  1. Hi Dave,

    Your new company is lucky to have you... they're getting someone who has walked through the fire and come out on the other side - stronger and ready to take on the world!

    Take care,
    Jim Warda

  2. I don't know how reliable my source is, but they are also in the process of moving back into office space rather than virtual. Oddly they have picked a couple of different locations to do this in, and are not providing relocation expenses to associates... That means that they will have to bring in new talent ('creating new jobs' in some different states'). However, the current associates will be let go. I wonder if they will turn this into a 'voluntary termination' and skimp or minimize the severance impacts.

  3. John is looking forward to Friday and a big burrito w/ Dave =)


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