Thursday - another lunch with another downsized professional

I had lunch today with Jim Warda, who I met after I read his letter to the Trib (see blog from January 5, link at bottom of post). Similar to yesterday when I lunched with a former colleague that had been let go, it was refreshing to relax and talk to someone who can empathize with my plight. Jim's mindset and his road through the process was very similar to my own. We discussed conversations with our working friends who are frazzled and on edge waiting for the axe to drop on them. For that lunch time, we were peers working in the same industry (the job search industry). Jim commented that when he is back working, he will look to hire people that have been downsized; they will understand how precious a job is, and will work hard to not have it happen to them again. I fully agree with that mindset.

On Monday, I will be starting a new job. The road there has been long and challenging. So many times I had resigned myself to many more months of sitting in front of the keyboard, fruitlessly sending resumes and cover letters that would never be read. But, of the almost 2000 job submissions I sent since September, one landed on the right desk.
And I said the right things in the interview.
And my experience was a fit.
And the company saw an opportunity to hire someone that could help them achieve their goals.
And my salary expectations were consistent with their budget
And the company is right in my back yard.
So many factors have to align in order to land a job - any job, not just a good job. This will be a very good job, from all indications. I look at some of the hilariously low level jobs I have applied to over this period. and I would have been happy to land any of them.
I still have my doubts if I will actually get this job. Call it paranoid, but I have heard too many stories to feel secure. But, as of now, I will be starting Monday at 9:00.

And as Jim said, I will be looking to build my team with professionals who have gone through this trying, difficult period.
As of Monday, there will be one person out there who knows what it feels like to be unemployed. To feel worthless. To be depressed, afraid, purposeless. To have mentally calculated how long it would be before our life savings were exhausted.
To have calculated how much 401k money would be left after the tax penalty, and how long the family could survive on that money.
To think about where the family would move after we had to sell the house.
I have been there. It is no fun at all. Unemployment is a dehumanizing process. I suppose I can say it is a character building process as well, but that is easy for me to say with a new job about to start. For those still in the search - well, you know what I mean.
Of course, I will continue this blog. I enjoy writing, and I still have a lot to say about the process and the awakening I went through over the last 6 months (God - was I idle for that long???)
I have to connect with a few people that helped me over some really dark days - they have no idea how much their support meant to me.

More to follow - seeing the light at the end of the tunnel sure feels good.


  1. Dave, you posted on a linkedin discussion post that I had created. I Just read your blog again, today, and wanted to congratulate you on your new upcoming position. I totally agree with you on the process one goes through during this. I never really thought of it as dehumanizing, but I can see how one can get to that point of view. I appreciate your blog and look forward to more of your posts. Take care and good luck!


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