Saturday - end of week 1 of new job

The first week is down - hopefully many more to go. The new company is refreshing. They pride themselves on being voted one of the best places to work. This is new for me, as the some of my previous employers seem to strive to be voted one of the worst places to be. In this horrible economy, the worker is supposed to put up with lousy treatment, and just be thankful to have a job.
So, did the usual rounds of meeting the senior level execs, explaining my history and selling my value to the team, etc. But, this time is different; having been idle, I want to make sure that doesn't happen again if I can help it. So, I plan to set my goals, and deliver. enough about work (I am boring myself already).

Last night, a beer finally tasted like a beer. The list of chores to do over the weekend was welcome. Going to Wal Mart on a Saturday instead of 10 am on Monday just to kill time. The knowledge that my time off was limited to 2 days was reassuring. It is amazing what the security of knowing I have a job to go to on Monday will do. As I look back to September/October, I know I was a shell of a person at that time. Fragile, afraid, lost. That ain't me. And I didn't know how to be those things. But there I was. There is no pill you can take to not feel like that. You can have a few drinks and kill the pain for a few hours, only to feel that much lower when the buzz wears off. Or you can push yourself through it. Sounds easy, but it sure isn't. And only those in that boat can truly appreciate what it is like. I saw a guy in the office yesterday that was there for an interview. I was wondering if he was out of work, and if this interview was a ray of hope, and if he didn't get this job, how would he feel. And did he have other leads lined up. And was he really selling himself so that his down time would end. Of course, I was projecting my recent situation on him. Because I know.......

have a good weekend all - better days ahead.


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