Monday, March 9. I guess I missed posting yesterday

What a wet, chilly weekend. I like to be outside as much as possible, and the weather barely permitted walking the dog.
I am waiting for the results of reference and background checks. Nothing of concern will be there, so I should be starting the new job next Monday. But, again, given my nature, I am always feeling unsettled until I am actually there and working. But, this is a very big step towards ending my idle period. I reconnected with a few former colleagues who are my professional references, and it is so apparent that things are tough all over. The measures that organizations are taking to survive - severe and draconian, but what choice do they have? I guess the big first step is to hire professionals like us that can help them navigate through this tough time.
I suppose I can kick back a bit and not search for jobs, but old habits are hard to break.
happy Monday.


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