Monday - and day 1 of new job ahead

Started my day as I have each day since I was laid off - got up, made my wife and son's lunch. Got the paper from the driveway. However, today, I took a shower and got ready for work. Something I haven't done in a long time. It feels good, but at the same time, provides new apprehensions. Of couse, I will push through that and apply myself to the new job.

Over the last 6 months, I have had ample time to reflect on my situation, and think about what I would do differently. I have mulled the positives and negatives about the time off. A few of those are:
1. Having the time to just rest and recover. As professionals, we ride ourselves ragged with long days, checking email around the clock, wanting to show we are irreplaceable. Well, it is ok to decompress. Not be a slave to a schedule. Not to check email upon returning home after a weekend function.
2. Reconnecting with the family. When I had a job, I could be difficult and disagreeable because I had a job. Because no one could appreciate how hard I worked. Because I was the provider. Because I bought all this nice stuff for the family. All of that somehow was supposed to negate the fact that I was not always a model husband or dad. Not having a job took away the justification for acting like a jerk. I found myself concentrating on being a better person - and not finding it to be so difficult. I will never fall back into the trap of being a disagreeable so and so.
3. Learning to talk to my wife. For reasons listed above, I never relied on my wife for moral support or encouragement. I found myself so frustrated and hopeless that I realized that I had to take advantage of her good attitude and perspective. That was truly invaluable. Her positive thinking, her constant support. When I would get a rejection, she would just say "that's ok - you will find something better". It is very critical to have that support in a job search.
4. Having time with my son. Working downtown for 16 years put me on a schedule that didn't allow me much quality time with my daughter. Being home for 6 months allowed me to see my son get on the bus, and get off. It allowed me to be home on his Christmas break. To help him with his science project. None of which I could do before. He is reaching the age where he will begin to assert his independance, and I won't have much opportunity to do this in the future.

Well - that's it for now. I have to get Dave ready for the bus. More to follow......


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