Friday - and a nice day at that

Looks like spring is trying to push winter out. Let's hope it happens. Temp is supposed to be in the 60s. About to take a walk to enjoy it.
I had lunch yesterday with a former colleague. It is really nice to stay connected to those folks you have enjoyed working with. At each stop in my career, I have been fortunate to have worked with at least one person that you would hire in a second in a new company. John is one of those people. When I make it big (or he does) we will hopefully work together and help an organization thrive and succeed.
Waiting to hear back from a company that indicated they would be getting back with an offer. I am hoping to hear from them today so I can push the concern that I won't hear out of my mindset. I am by nature a pessimist, so naturally, I figure they won't be calling. But deep down I am pretty sure they will. we shall see.

a wise person once said that peace is the lull between wars. From where I sit, I would say a job is the lull between periods of unemployment. that's the way it feels anyway.

but, better days ahead.


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