Wednesday afternoon

Obama's speech was pretty much what I thought it would be. Lots of nice words, little substance. the speach seems to have been met with disinterest on the part of the stock market today. Nothing about bailing us unemployed. Give billions to the banks and other institutions that lost these vast fortunes. and those billions.....they are coming from us. I give Obama credit - he only alluded to the failed Bush period once. In point of fact, that moron is directly or indirectly responsible for most of today's mess. I hope we completely pull out of Iraq and use those funds here. I saw on the news that Iraq was celebrating the opening of a museum. Big whip - we are going down the toilet in this country, and our billions and the blood of our brave soldiers is going to help Iraq open museums. Really makes sense, doesn't it?
oh well - not much job activity to post to. I have reconnected with a lot of old colleagues from past lives. That is usually pleasant.
have a good afternoon, all.


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