Tuesday - the quest continues

After my last posting yesterday, I got a call from the friend I mentioned last month that had landed a job. Well, his new job was cut after 6 weeks. He was told he would have a several month ramp up period before going on quota. Having worked with him, I know he is top notch. But to cut a position after 6 weeks? You would think a company would have a better view of the business to determine whether a role should be filled. At this point, I am numb to it all. Nothing would surprise me anymore. No amount of unprofessional behavior on the part of the hiring companies is unexpected.
I saw a posting yesterday for a role for a workaholic. That was a requirement. Who in their right mind would sign up for that? Sure - a desparate job seeker would tell the interviewer they are ok with 70 hour work weeks. But c'mon - that's just plain silly.
As the economy continues its freefall, everyone is a bundle of nerves. I am looking forward to hearing Pres. Obama's speach tonight. He really did inherit a mess. Really underscores that Bush was a complete boob - 8 years of his failed presidency has brought us to where we are. I refuse to believe that this current state was not clearly on someone's radar. If not, why not?

I got a notice from the library that one of my books is due the day after tomorrow. I will have a pleasant day escaping in the pages of a novel.

Have a good day, all.


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