Thursday - Will this winter ever end???

Back to cold and snowy. Enough is enough. I am ready for some warm weather, golf and green grass. Of course, it is just mid-February, but since winter started in mid November, it is getting old.
I have a phone interview today. Of couse the job seems a fit, but they expressed a concern that the salary would not be to my expectations given I was a Director and a VP in the past. Hard to convince them they would be getting a steal. But, I will present my case and see how it goes. That is all we can do - stay positive, tell our story and know that some organization will be lucky to get us.
Wrapping up loose ends on my contract project. An internal resource I was working with was stretched pretty thin with preparation for an annual meeting, so I have a few things to clean up and get back to her. Looks like that will be the end of the work there - they are still non-commital about their own strategic direction. But it has been good to learn a new industry.

so, stay warm. Happy Thursday


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