Stuck in a rut. Friday, Feb 20

Someone once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I suppose that describes my job search. Sitting at the computer, tossing resumes into cyberspace. I try to network with former colleagues who may know decision makers, but it is tough to engage folks that are uncertain in their own positions, or that their firm is not recruiting. But, like they say, you have to keep at it and get to a layer that is effective. So, that is what I will continue to do.
My plan today is to do my search, get to the health club, and not obsess about the lack of progress. Reading the business news shows this is no normal recession. No one has really been through something like this before.
However, I saw a posting the other day, and immediately applied on line. Thinking that I should do more, I left a vm with the HR director. She responded with an email, and I had a phone interview yesterday and will have an in person interview next week. so, that does validate the need to do more than just email submissions. however, the opportunities to do so are limited.

It's Friday. Let's all have a good weekend - whaddya say??


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