
Showing posts from September, 2023

Monday, Sept 4, 2023

 Happy Labor Day.  It has been 4 months since my last post.  Let me try to recall what I have done since then: - played approx 20 rounds of golf - went to Canada for our annual fishing trip - went to the wedding of my friend's daughter and other than that, lived the life of a lottery winner, just without the money.  Back when I was a working stiff, I will sit here and dread going back to work the morning after a 3 day weekend.  I always had the same thought that all workers have - "there has to be a better way".  I suppose the better way is to not work at all.  And so, that will be my plan.   It feels like late summer now.  It gets dark earlier (as I am sure you noticed).  Still hot weather, but once that ends, we will look forward to Indian Summer.   ok..that bit of writing has tired me out.  I will have to get back in the habit of posting more frequently.