
Showing posts from March, 2023

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

 It's been 3 months since I posted.  In the beginning, 2008, I used to post at least once a day.  Such is life.  The holidays were fine.  I drove to Florida in January, and that was a nice trip.  February went by in a flash, and now spring is on the way.   I have been working this week at a retirement community to sub for a guy going on medical leave.  I was consulting with them on a project, and they asked me if I'd help with coverage for a month.  So, that was nice.  Should fund my golf when that starts up.  So many layoffs happening.  I started writing this blog in 2008 to document the job search.  And those early posts are like what I read on Linkedin from people now experiencing layoffs.  It's not fun.  And I am so glad to be away from that world.  But for those affected, it is an unsettling experience.  I think things will get worse before they get better.   good to post again after 3 months.  I'll have to do noteworthy things so I have something to post about.