
Showing posts from February, 2021

Sunday, Feb 14, 2021

 I haven't posted since Dec 23.  The country continues on lockdown, and so is my creativity.  Plus, the winter has been bad.  All winters are, but it has been really cold and snowy.  Two years ago I was in Florida for the winter.  That was a nice change.  A year ago, I had seen most of the movies that were up for best picture.  Due to the lockdown, so few Hollywood movies have been released this year.  Nomadland was good, as was News of the World.  Beyond that, the awards show will be pretty thin, although all those award shows are self serving crap.  The job search continues to be stalled.  But, I really don't care.  The interviews I have had were not in the least bit exciting.  Although who really likes their job anyway?   Funny I read this post, I realize my writing really sucks too.  Maybe when the country opens back up from this hoax, my creativity will flow.