
Showing posts from September, 2020

Tuesday, Sept 29, 2020

 It looks like I haven't posted since July 12.  not that I was busy doing something else, but that is a long gap, even for me.  Been running around a bit, more on that later.  Still in the job market, or enjoying pre-retirement.  Probably the latter.  most definitely the latter.  Turning to fall quickly.  Summer was nice, fall is usually better, however, fall leads to winter which sucks. no trip to Canada this year.  Some part of the gang went every year since 1982.  I missed a couple years in that time, but made it most years.  Hopefully this hoax ends and the border is open for our trip next year.   I will get back to writing, this blog and my other literary pursuits.  this is just an ice breaker.