
Showing posts from October, 2019

Friday, Oct 18, 2019

I haven't posted in over a month.  That is quite a gap for me.  I used to post at least daily but these days, not so much.  I guess I don't have much to say.  I am enjoying the fall weather in Chicago.  It cooled off in Florida after I made my way back north.  Of course, Chicago will get much colder before it gets warmer.  And Florida will be pleasant until it gets hot in April. I have been working a contract position, which is nice.  still looking for a full time gig but that is proving to be as challenging as it was in Florida.  but have to keep scratching at the dirt looking for the shiny stone. at any rate, I need to get back into posting on a regular basis.  I have been meaning to start writing another book, but first things first.